Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Opening Shot

Hello all. I finally started the blog. I know that there have to be more of you guys out there like me: White Trash and Gay. Growing up was complicated. On top of the usual struggles that all gay kids face, I was conflicted between my love of fashion and finer things and the taste of a good beer while slinging horseshoes.

It was difficult to reconcile these two worlds. I think the White Trash gene came mostly from my mother's side while the gay gene came mostly from my dad's family. His side was much more refined. They drank wine even before it was good for you and watched public television.

At the same time, you knew that any barbeque or party thrown by someone on my mother's side was over when the cops arrived. Still, you would find my nine year old self trying to fan the napkins and creating ashtrays from the discarded clam shells.

So, you get the idea. I'd like to use this space and invite all of you out there to use it too. I think there's alot more of us than we realize.